'' Choosing the right is always the right thing to do''
Alex Linares
I think that Alex was right because my teacher Mr.Haymer always tells us to choose the right because we need to make right chooses with are lifes instead of bad chooses with are life. Choose the right means that you shouldn't choose to do bad things and you should choose the the good things because if you choose the wrong side you mite regret what you did and you won't get to do or get anything good in your future.I will always choose the right because I want good thing in mt future I don't want bad things in my future. I think that everyone should make good chooses instead of bad chooses because that is really bad.Everyone should always choose the right instead of the left because in will help you choose your future for you if u dont choose the right. People should not make their life harder than it should because if you choose the wrong side then you will have bad things heading your way. You should always choose the right instead of picking the wrong side. Yes, No, Maybe is so that you don't make the wrong choose. People should not have to choose the wrong side but the choose that side so we can't do anything about it.
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