"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.''
Patriarch of Antioch & All the East, 1846-'94
I think that Pathros was right because true wealth is that you have money to live and eat from. What I'm trying to say is that the true wealth is of the heart like meaning that the money should come from something bad but it should come from something good and help other and other people and other families that need something good to and not just us. I guess what I'm trying to say is that people in many ways that are we do.People should not have to keep all this money and they should start helping others and they should have to learn how to help and give to other that really need in is world. I think that people are the way they are because of how much money that they have because they think that just because they have money then they get have thinks that other people don't have and I think that people need to stop that and start to give to other people that really need it instead of wasting that money in expensive things and they should start to give some of that money to kids that need it.
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