Friday, September 30, 2016
Student Success Statement
‘’ We learn to do by doing’’
I think that Mr. Kimball was right. He was right because that is what all my teachers have told me in my lifetime and I had to learn that way all my life. I think that we should lisen to Mr.Kimball. Mr.Kimball is not wrong at all and he was right because if u don’t learn by doing then you won’t learn everything that you need to learn. If you really want to learn then you better lisen to Mr.Kimball.We should all lisen to what people tell us is good because if you don’t then you will not learn everything you want to learn.I think that we should lisen to people like you family,parents, And teacher or anyone that tells you to learn by doing. We can learn by doing because that is how I learned.We should always learn by doing not the other way around. If you are aperson that wants to learn in differnet ways then you should liesn up and hear me and every person that learns by doing.You shouldn’t choose the wrong. That was my student success statement.
Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:Your job duties as an EMT can depend on your level of training and experience, as well as state regulations. The national registry of emergency medical technician at five levels, and each level involves additional training in order to perform a great variety of medical treatments.
Salary: $32,951-$29,697-$37,780
Education: Emergency medical technicians provide care for people during emergency medical situations. They must complete a state- approved training program and obtain EMT certification.Job growth for emergency medical technician is high.
Demand or Need for this Profession:The jobs for an EMT are projected to grow faster than any profession between now and 2018.Experts expect a 9 percent grwoth
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Student Success Statement
" You should always give back to people that need it ,Then to keep it and never use it"

-Laisha Casillas Navarro
I think that people should not keep thing that they are never going to use and they should give it to people that really need it instead of them keeping it in a closet. People really need to helpful and mean because that will never get you any were in life ever because people change people. Everyone should help others that can't or don't have good new things like us because they need more than us in life we should always be kind and help people that can't have any of theses things like us.We need to stand together and we should always have good that we can give to the poor people in the world.I think that if we all work together then we can help all those people. There are a lot of people in the world that need help and that they want an education. food, cloths,money,jobs,and other things that we have that they don't and they see us with all these things that they want and need. We ca help them just by sending thing you don't or don't need anymore and sending it to those countries that really need it.Just by sending them something you made and change in the world. Everyone need to be happy and they need to have good things. I think that we can change the world little by little. That was my Student Success Statement.
" You should always give back to people that need it ,Then to keep it and never use it"
-Laisha Casillas Navarro
I think that people should not keep thing that they are never going to use and they should give it to people that really need it instead of them keeping it in a closet. People really need to helpful and mean because that will never get you any were in life ever because people change people. Everyone should help others that can't or don't have good new things like us because they need more than us in life we should always be kind and help people that can't have any of theses things like us.We need to stand together and we should always have good that we can give to the poor people in the world.I think that if we all work together then we can help all those people. There are a lot of people in the world that need help and that they want an education. food, cloths,money,jobs,and other things that we have that they don't and they see us with all these things that they want and need. We ca help them just by sending thing you don't or don't need anymore and sending it to those countries that really need it.Just by sending them something you made and change in the world. Everyone need to be happy and they need to have good things. I think that we can change the world little by little. That was my Student Success Statement.
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: An ear nose throat doctor also known as an otolaryngologist or ENT specialists,are medical doctors responsible for surgical and medical treatment of the ears,nose,and throat,as well as the related head and neck areas.Specialized skills of otolaryngologist include managing disorders of the upper pharynx and oral cavity,larynx,ear,nose,and face and neck.
Salary: $344,086- $291,943-$400,295
Education:To become a there is a wide range of medical specialties that you can pursue after medical school. One of those is otolaryngology, commonly known as ear/nose/throat medicine.The path the becoming an otolaryngologist is like many other medical paths until you reach your residency program.
Demands or needs for this profession: An otolaryngologists, diagnose, treat and manage diseases and medical conditions associated with the ears,nose and throat.ENT doctors also treat structural problems of the face and neck.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why?whynot?
I would not like to be this doctor one day because I don’t like to be that because I think that it is nasty. And I really don’t like it at all.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Student Success Statement
‘’Obedience is central to becoming,being,and remaining happy.’’
I think that Mr.Bednar was right because everyone like to be happy, and they need that happiness in their life because if we didn’t have any happiness than we wouldn’t have fun in this world because we need to be happy in order to be happy with each other and the people that are there for us. We need to become and remain happy all the time when ever we can because we aren’t always going to be in this world.I think that in order to be happy we need to become and remain happy all the time. I’m always happy because of all of me family members and also because I have caring friends. We all need that happiness in your life like happiness of what we work for or because of what we can do with our hands.We all need happiness in life.Together we can be happy and live longer.
LAUSD Student Services
What I found out about student services is that there are a lot of names like instructions,email services,doing business,collaboration Tools,communications,Data Reports,emergency information,and Elibrary.Those are the names of the all the student services that were shown in the website.I think that these services are really good because they help the students and they have shown that students benifet from them and it helps them to do well in their classess. Students are helping each other with these services and they are haveing fun but i think that not all the kids are benifiting from these services because they can't or the don't go at all.
What I found out about student services is that there are a lot of names like instructions,email services,doing business,collaboration Tools,communications,Data Reports,emergency information,and Elibrary.Those are the names of the all the student services that were shown in the website.I think that these services are really good because they help the students and they have shown that students benifet from them and it helps them to do well in their classess. Students are helping each other with these services and they are haveing fun but i think that not all the kids are benifiting from these services because they can't or the don't go at all.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Student Success Statement
'' Choosing the right is always the right thing to do''
Alex Linares

I think that Alex was right because my teacher Mr.Haymer always tells us to choose the right because we need to make right chooses with are lifes instead of bad chooses with are life. Choose the right means that you shouldn't choose to do bad things and you should choose the the good things because if you choose the wrong side you mite regret what you did and you won't get to do or get anything good in your future.I will always choose the right because I want good thing in mt future I don't want bad things in my future. I think that everyone should make good chooses instead of bad chooses because that is really bad.Everyone should always choose the right instead of the left because in will help you choose your future for you if u dont choose the right. People should not make their life harder than it should because if you choose the wrong side then you will have bad things heading your way. You should always choose the right instead of picking the wrong side. Yes, No, Maybe is so that you don't make the wrong choose. People should not have to choose the wrong side but the choose that side so we can't do anything about it.
'' Choosing the right is always the right thing to do''
Alex Linares
I think that Alex was right because my teacher Mr.Haymer always tells us to choose the right because we need to make right chooses with are lifes instead of bad chooses with are life. Choose the right means that you shouldn't choose to do bad things and you should choose the the good things because if you choose the wrong side you mite regret what you did and you won't get to do or get anything good in your future.I will always choose the right because I want good thing in mt future I don't want bad things in my future. I think that everyone should make good chooses instead of bad chooses because that is really bad.Everyone should always choose the right instead of the left because in will help you choose your future for you if u dont choose the right. People should not make their life harder than it should because if you choose the wrong side then you will have bad things heading your way. You should always choose the right instead of picking the wrong side. Yes, No, Maybe is so that you don't make the wrong choose. People should not have to choose the wrong side but the choose that side so we can't do anything about it.
Duties and Responsibilities: Dermatologist are physicians who treat conditions related to the skin, though they may also treat disorders related to the hair and nails. Dermatologist undergo additional specialized training beyond receiving a medical degree to become experts in skincare,and they must also obtain a license to practice.
Salary: $283,000-$100,000 to $500,000.
Education:To become a dermatologist you have to go to college,earning a bachelor’s degree. Medical school,becoming a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine. Dermatologist residency program,at least 3 years.
Demands or Needs for this profession: For this profession to be dermatologist you have to complete college earning a bachelor’s degree. Medical school, becoming a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine. Also a internship,1 year. Residency program,such as one in dermatology for at least 3 years.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Student Success Statement
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."

John Wooden
I think that John Wooden was totally right because a lot of people are far more important than what you are as a basketball player. I think that people have to be more nicer to ithers that to be alone. everyone should choose the right instead of chooseing the left because if we choose the right then we get to have more chances to do more things for the world that if we choose the left then we will end up in bad situations. I think that everyone should always choose the right inseat of the left.
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."
John Wooden
I think that John Wooden was totally right because a lot of people are far more important than what you are as a basketball player. I think that people have to be more nicer to ithers that to be alone. everyone should choose the right instead of chooseing the left because if we choose the right then we get to have more chances to do more things for the world that if we choose the left then we will end up in bad situations. I think that everyone should always choose the right inseat of the left.
Duties and Responsibilities:Pediatricians has to treat infants and children.A pediatrician, your main occupational tasks involve providing medical care to people ranging in age from newborns to young adults. You are responsible for examining,diagnosing,and treating children with a wide variety of injuries and illnesses. You will also administer the many immunization that are available to protect children from diseases.such as
Salary: $175,400-$163,350
Education: The education of a Pediatrician is that they have to complete a bachelor’s degree program and then go to purse medical degree from an accredited medical school. Most pedratricians obtain a Doctor degree
Friday, September 16, 2016
Student Success Statement
"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.''

Patriarch of Antioch & All the East, 1846-'94
I think that Pathros was right because true wealth is that you have money to live and eat from. What I'm trying to say is that the true wealth is of the heart like meaning that the money should come from something bad but it should come from something good and help other and other people and other families that need something good to and not just us. I guess what I'm trying to say is that people in many ways that are we do.People should not have to keep all this money and they should start helping others and they should have to learn how to help and give to other that really need in is world. I think that people are the way they are because of how much money that they have because they think that just because they have money then they get have thinks that other people don't have and I think that people need to stop that and start to give to other people that really need it instead of wasting that money in expensive things and they should start to give some of that money to kids that need it.
"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.''
Patriarch of Antioch & All the East, 1846-'94
I think that Pathros was right because true wealth is that you have money to live and eat from. What I'm trying to say is that the true wealth is of the heart like meaning that the money should come from something bad but it should come from something good and help other and other people and other families that need something good to and not just us. I guess what I'm trying to say is that people in many ways that are we do.People should not have to keep all this money and they should start helping others and they should have to learn how to help and give to other that really need in is world. I think that people are the way they are because of how much money that they have because they think that just because they have money then they get have thinks that other people don't have and I think that people need to stop that and start to give to other people that really need it instead of wasting that money in expensive things and they should start to give some of that money to kids that need it.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: To become a dental assistant first you have to perform a variety of patient care, office,and laboratory duties,and often work chair-side as dentists examine and treat patients. They make patients as comfortable as possible in the dental chair,prepare them for treatment,and obtain their dental records.
Salary: $34,730-between $30,824-$38,397
Education: It takes a relatively short period of time to become a dental assistant.Dental assiatants receive their formal education through acdemic programs at community colleges,vacational schools,technical institutes,universiities or dental schools. Graduates of these programs usually receive certificates. Although the majority of academic dental assisting program take nine to eleven months to complete, some schools offer accelerated training, part time education programs or training via distance education.
Demands or Needs for this profession: Employment of a dental assistant is projected to grow 18 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations.Ongoing research linking oral health and general health will likely continue to increase the demand for preventive dental services.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Feel Right
"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."

Ezra T.Benson
I think that what Mr. Benson means when he said "Feel Right" was that when you do something good you will feel right or good about what you did I think that feeling good make you feel like a good person in side you and it is well for your body and for your health.He also said that "You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible." No one ever feels right when they do something wrong that hurts other people. You should not feel right about doing something wrong to someone and then feel right because you made that person feel sad,mad,ugly,ect. If you do something that is really good and you will feel so good in that you want to keep doing things that will make you feel good again and again.Everyone needs to feel good and they shouldn't feel good for doing something bad. I think that people need that person to help them along the way to do something good in thier life.
Duties and Reponsibilities: Becoming a Dentist means that you will have to educate yourself on the latest new dental discoveries and treatment techniques and attend seminars and classes to give their patients the best care possible and procure license renewal.
Salary: $123,942 per year, $128,784-$168,621
Education: To become a dentist you have to enroll to dentist school according to the american dental association dentist college offer either doctor or dentist surgery or doctor or dental medicien.
Demand for this profession: The demands for this profession is that dentistry is one of the ten most trusted and ethical profession in America.The field of dentistry holds promising and exciting career opportunities in a variety of areas depending on one’s particular talents,interests and commitment to further education and training. The professional challenge,new technology and training.
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