Wednesday, August 31, 2016


                                     " Education is the latch key to success in life."
                                                                            -Gordan B. Hinckley
Education is very important because everyone should have an education  to become someone in the world. Education has always been free for me and my friends but some other kids in the world don't have free education or they don't even have an education to put that way. I think that everyone should have an education because we are the new generation that is going to continue the legacy. It is true that success in life isn't free because when my dad was growing up he didn't have an education and he is a well payed man because when he came to the U.S. he went to community college and he got his degree in photography and he loves his job. I think that the kids that don't have an education should be helped by us the "NEW GENERATION."The quote "Education is the latch to success in life" is true because it applies to everyone who has en education. I've notice that almost most of my friends don't see that they are fortunate to a free education and they don't care. I think that we take for granted our things for granted there are kids that wish they have what we have right now an education.We don't even see that are parents work so that we can have this education.We need to open our eyes and see what is in front of our faces and see what we have and we should be glad we ahve this in our lifes. WE really need to open  our eyes and help other to.
                                          Image result for gordon hinckley

Monday, August 29, 2016

                                                "Decisions Determine Destiny"

                   I think that everyone has their own destiny in some way but I don't think that alot of people believe in destiny my decisions are decisions that i make no one else tells me what to do and what not to to do only my parents. Parents and teachers are the only one's that can tell you whats wrong and whats write because they are the one's teaching us. M y mom would always tell me that everyone has their own destiny because of "GOD". I always thought that we already had our  destiny ahead of ourselves but again I was just a little girl back then now I know what my mom ment.Everyone make their own decisions because everyone is going  to free atb some point and we need to make our own decisions because they follow you every were all the time. We determine what we decied and and what we don't decied. Our destiny decieds also all the time so that you con have a future.